Monday, February 15, 2010

Wrong Thermostat What Could Be Wrong Thermostat Or Water Pump?

What Could be Wrong Thermostat or Water Pump? - wrong thermostat

I have a Jeep Grand Cherokee 01 and I still get the low coolant light, so I open the hood and notice a large puddle of coolant in the lower level and watch the flight DONT somthing I think my cousin is on her heat, not just Thermostat begun leaking, what could that be? Also leak while the car is made


Pancakes said...

There are holes in the filter pump. Check to see if that's where it came from. Replace in this case, the water pump.

hardrive... said...

I check all hoses and even raditor your pump has a small hole in the ground is where you can escape from. He wondered whether the thermostat

starbrit... said...

You need a new water and replace pump.might
the thermostat.

baldie said...

could be either 1 The board of the thermostat or water pump.

marvin A said...

Mechanic pressure test the system and the search for the leak within minutes.

kneedeep... said...

Sounds like WEEP hole in the water pump is replaced leaking coolant, the water pump, coolant flush FRESH.

passitfo... said...

My first assumption would be the water pump. They are beginning to seep into the shaft seal. Only leaks when the system is hot and under pressure and tends to the fan at the source of the leak Spit is hard to recognize. Often, there is a small hole on the front page with beween water pump and where the water comes
Fill the car good, good and hot. You can tell the system is set by pressing the radiator hose under pressure.
Stop the engine and check for leaking everwhere. Start by checking the pump axis. If you do not see are in front of the car and wait for the leaks then back to the source.
Good luck!

Christia... said...

Water pump or a radiator or a hose connection. Good Luck

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